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Why Activated charcoal is the king of DETOX!

Activated charcoal has been used for thousands of years. Today’s scientific studies prove charcoal to be the #1 supplement for general systemic detoxification, known for its ability to bind to toxins and safely assist the body in flushing them out. Majority of hospitals across the world administer activated charcoal to poison victims as a first line remedy. Activated charcoal is not the same substance as that found in charcoal bricks or burnt pieces of food. The manufacture of activated charcoal makes it extremely adsorbent, allowing it to bind to molecules, ions, or atoms. In this way, it removes these from dissolved substances. Making activated charcoal involves heating carbon-rich materials, such as wood, peat, coconut shells, or sawdust, to very high temperatures. This ‘activation’ process strips the charcoal of previously absorbed molecules and frees up bonding sites again. This process also reduces the size of the pores in the charcoal and makes more holes in each molecule, therefore, increasing its overall surface area. Cymbiotika’s Activated Coconut Charcoal is not just for emergency situations, taken daily; it assists in longevity and nutritional support, helping you thrive in an overly toxic environment.Perfect to take while traveling, eating out, during consumption ofalcoholic beverages or at times of over indulgence. It can also be used daily to reduce common symptoms of an imbalanced, over acidic body. Helpful for many gastrointestinal issues, Candida overgrowth, exposure to mold, radiation, poisons, pesticides or pharmaceutical residues. Activated Charcoal binds to chemicals and toxins and prevents these substances from absorbing into your body. Charcoal does not absorb toxins; it adsorbs toxins. The word adsorb is important here. When a material adsorbs something, it attaches to it by a chemical attraction. Activated Charcoal has a huge surface area giving it countless bonding sites. When certain chemicals come in contact with its carbon surface, they attach to the surface and are trapped. This bond will never break. The toxins, enveloped by the charcoal are then safely shuttled out of the body.

This process of assisted detoxification reduces a huge burden on the liver. Benefits of Activated charcoal 1. Kidney health Activated charcoal may be able to assist kidney function by filtering out undigested toxins and drugs. Activated charcoal seems to be especially effective at removing toxins derived from urea, the main byproduct of protein digestion. More research is needed, but some animal studies show that activated charcoal may help improve kidney function and reduce gastrointestinal damage and inflammation in those with chronic kidney disease.

A 2014 study saw rats with induced, chronic kidney disease given 4 grams (g) per kilogram per day of an oral activated charcoal preparation. The researchers found that the animals had significant reductions in intestinal inflammation and damage. 2. Intestinal gas Activated charcoal is thought to be able to disrupt intestinal gas, although researchers still do not understand how. Liquids and gases trapped in the intestine can easily pass through the millions of tiny holes in activated charcoal, and this process may neutralize them.

In a 2012 study, a small sample of people with a history of excessive gas in their intestines took 448 milligrams (mg) of activated charcoal three times a day for 2 days before having intestinal ultrasound examinations. They also took another 672 mg on the morning of the exam.

The study showed that medical examiners were better able to see certain parts of some of the organs they intended to identify with the ultrasound whereas intestinal gas would have obscured these before the treatment. Also, some 34 percent of the participants who were given the activated charcoal to reduce their gas had improved symptoms.

In a 2017 study, people who took 45 mg of simethicone and 140 mg of activated charcoal three times daily for 10 days, all reported a significant reduction in abdominal pain with no side effects. The research is still limited, but a panel of the European Food Safety Authority (EFSA) reports that there is enough evidence to support the use of activated charcoal to reduce excessive gas accumulation. There is no set way to use activated charcoal for intestinal gas, but the EFSA recommend taking at least 1 g at 30 minutes before and after each meal. 3. Water filtration People have long used activated charcoal as a natural water filter. Just as it does in the intestines and stomach, activated charcoal can interact with and absorb a range of toxins, drugs, viruses, bacteria, fungus, and chemicals found in water. In commercial settings, such as waste-management centers, operators often use activated carbon granules for one part of the filtration process. Dozens of water filtration products are also designed for at-home use, using carbon cartridges to purify water of toxins and impurities. A 2015 study found that water filtration systems that used carbon removed as much as 100 percent of the fluoride in 32 unfiltered water samples after 6 months of installation. 4. ANTI-AGING Activated charcoal may have powerful anti-aging properties. Early studies show it may prevent numerous cellular changes associated with aging. One rodent study showed that activated charcoal increased the average lifespan of older test animals by roughly 34 percent 5. SUPPORTS HEART HEALTH Activated charcoal may also lower cholesterol levels. In an initial study, seven patients with high cholesterol who took 8 grams of activated charcoal three times a day showed a 25% reduction in total cholesterol. They also lowered their LDL (“bad”) cholesterol by 41% and increased their HDL (“good”) cholesterol by 8% Application

For longevity and healthy aging- take any time of the day. For relief of food poisoning, upset stomach, gas or bloating, or overindulgence- take immediately with first sign of symptoms, and continue a second dose 30 minutes later.

To reduce the burden on the liver from alcohol consumption- take 1 hour after drinking begins, and again with water after your last beverage.

For bad breath, acne or skin related issues- take 1 dose, 3x a day between each meal with at least 8oz of water.

For exposure to toxins to include pesticides, heavy metals, mold, pharmaceutical drugs, poison, or radiation- take 1 dose, 3x a day between each meal with 8oz of water.

Drink plenty of water: To avoid constipation, make sure you drink lots of water. If you find that you’re still getting constipated, try reducing your dose, but make sure to keep up your water intake. When to avoid taking charcoal: Never take activated charcoal with medications or other supplements. Charcoal binds a lot of substances — even the good stuff like prescription medications, vitamins and minerals. Taking charcoal at a different time of day than you take other supplements or meds gives it time to pass through your system and not bind to things you want your body to absorb. Be sure to ask your doctor about whether charcoal can interfere with your medications or any health issues. Save 10% with CODE - RAVEN - at check out

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